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Warnings and known issues

  1. Generic derivation may not work as expected when the type definitions that you're trying to derive instances for are at the same level as the attempted derivation. For example:

    scala> import io.circe.Decoder,
    import io.circe.Decoder
    scala> sealed trait A; case object B extends A; object X { val d = Decoder[A] }
    defined trait A
    defined object B
    defined object X
    scala> object X { sealed trait A; case object B extends A; val d = Decoder[A] }
    <console>:19: error: could not find implicit value for parameter d: io.circe.Decoder[X.A]
          object X { sealed trait A; case object B extends A; val d = Decoder[A] }

    This is unfortunately a limitation of the macro API that Shapeless uses to derive the generic representation of the sealed trait. You can manually define these instances, or you can arrange the sealed trait definition so that it is not in the same immediate scope as the attempted derivation (which is typically what you want, anyway).

  2. For large or deeply-nested case classes and sealed trait hierarchies, the generic derivation provided by the generic subproject may stack overflow during compilation, which will result in the derived encoders or decoders simply not being found. Increasing the stack size available to the compiler (e.g. with sbt -J-Xss64m if you're using SBT) will help in many cases, but we have at least one report of a case where it doesn't. It might be simpler and safer to add .sbtopts file with SBT parameters (-J-Xss64m) in root of project.

  3. More generally, the generic derivation provided by the generic subproject works for a wide range of test cases, and is likely to just work for you, but it relies on macros (provided by Shapeless) that rely on compiler functionality that is not always perfectly robust ("SI-7046 is like playing roulette"), and if you're running into problems, it's likely that they're not your fault. Please file an issue here or ask a question on Discord (use the #circe channel), and we'll do our best to figure out whether the problem is something we can fix.

  4. When using the io.circe.generic.JsonCodec annotation, the following will not compile:

    import io.circe.generic.JsonCodec
    @JsonCodec sealed trait A
    case class B(b: String) extends A
    case class C(c: Int) extends A

    In cases like this it's necessary to define a companion object for the root type after all of the leaf types:

    import io.circe.generic.JsonCodec
    @JsonCodec sealed trait A
    case class B(b: String) extends A
    case class C(c: Int) extends A
    object A

    See this issue for additional discussion (this workaround may not be necessary in future versions).

  5. circe's representation of numbers is designed not to lose precision during decoding into integral or arbitrary-precision types, but precision may still be lost during parsing. This shouldn't happen when using Jawn for parsing, but scalajs.js.JSON parses JSON numbers into a floating point representation that may lose precision (even when decoding into a type like BigDecimal; see this issue for an example).

knownDirectSubclasses error

While using fully automatic derivation, you may have run into an error that looks like this:

knownDirectSubclasses of <class> observed before subclass <class> registered

This is a known issue (#434, #659) that stems from the way fully automatic derivation relies on Shapeless, which in turn conditionally calls a Scala Reflect named called knownDirectSubclasses. This method has been known to fail depending on how the types that it interacts with are declared in your codebase.

Here is a collection workarounds found by other users that you can try:

  1. Rename your files/directories so that the files containing types that get encoded/decoded come alphabetically before the files that import and turn values of those types into JSON.
  1. If you've got a sealed trait (e.g. sealed trait MyEnum) and it has subclasses that are declared in its companion object, try adding a import MyEnum._ statement before any calls that force the materialising of an encoder/decoder.

    import io.circe.syntax._
    val person = Person("hello", Role.User)
    import Role._
    val asJson = person.asJson
    • Alternatively, if you are OK with losing namespacing for your enum members you can try moving the subclasses out of the parent trait's companion object and into the same namespace space as the parent trait:

      // Modify this
      sealed trait ShirtSize
      object ShirtSize {
       case object Small  extends ShirtSize
       case object Medium extends ShirtSize
       case object Large  extends ShirtSize
      // into this
      sealed trait ShirtSizes
      case object Small  extends ShirtSizes
      case object Medium extends ShirtSizes
      case object Large  extends ShirtSizes
  1. Try using Scala 2.11.8, the last known version of Scala that did not exhibit this problem.

If none of these workarounds are desirable for your use case, it might be a good idea to try semi-auto derivation instead.