Codec Testing
Suppose you have the following Person
case class and hand-written encoders and decoders. In this
case, your decoder includes a typo, "mame"
instead of "name"
import io.circe._
import io.circe.syntax._
case class Person(name: String)
object Person {
implicit val encPerson: Encoder[Person] = Encoder.forProduct1("name")(
implicit val decPerson: Decoder[Person] = Decoder.forProduct1("mame")(Person.apply _)
If you try to encode then decode a Person
, you won't be successful:
// res0: Decoder.Result[Person] = Left(
// value = DecodingFailure at .mame: Missing required field
// )
This process is an example of a round trip. We can think about this round trip at two
different levels. Thinking about it for the particular case class Person
, we can say
that any Person
should round trip. This is a property we expect about the Person
case class.
However, this is a common expectation for anything that has both an Encoder
and Decoder
In that sense, round tripping is a property we expect about anything with a Codec
. When
we have expectations about all things that implement some typeclass, we have a law.
To check Codec
laws for your custom types, they'll need two implicits in scope -- Arbitrary
import cats.Eq
import io.circe.testing.ArbitraryInstances
import org.scalacheck.{Arbitrary, Gen}
object Implicits extends ArbitraryInstances {
implicit val eqPerson: Eq[Person] = Eq.fromUniversalEquals
implicit val arbPerson: Arbitrary[Person] = Arbitrary {
Gen.listOf(Gen.alphaChar) map { chars => Person(chars.mkString("")) }
The presence of those implicit values and an import from the circe-testing
will allow you to create a CodecTests[Person]
. First, the dependency:
libraryDependencies += "io.circe" %% "circe-testing" % "0.14.12"
Then, the tests:
import io.circe.testing.CodecTests
val personCodecTests = CodecTests[Person]
// personCodecTests: CodecTests[Person] = io.circe.testing.CodecTests$$anon$2@416af390
expose two "rule sets"
that can be used with Discipline
. The less restrictive set
is unserializableCodec
import Implicits._
// res1: personCodecTests.RuleSet = org.typelevel.discipline.Laws$DefaultRuleSet@33567a4
It checks whether the Codec
for your type successfully round trips through json serialization and
deserialization and whether your decoder satisfies consistent error accumulation.
The more restrictive set is codec
// res2: personCodecTests.RuleSet = org.typelevel.discipline.Laws$DefaultRuleSet@5a9adc2
It checks the laws from unserializableCodec
and ensures that your encoder and decoder can be serialized
to and from Java byte array streams. It is generally a good idea to use the stronger laws from .codec
, and
you definitely should use them if you're in a setting where the JVM has to ship a lot of data around, for
example in a Spark application. However, if you're not in a distributed setting and the serializability laws
are getting in your way, it's fine to skip them with the unserializableCodec